Friday, March 07, 2008

Unique Friday Fiver

1. Saying tooty-fruity drink to some UK colleagues makes them very uncomfortable. Estrogen-focused ethanol drink works better. (Or just estrogen-focused drink, which is a virgin margarita.) It's Friday in the UK and my colleagues are off to celebrate the weekend. I have a few more hours to go.

2. I am a quick CSS learner, but I am a terrible graphic designer. I am fiddling with the blog on Wordpress and will let everyone preview the new look soon. Not now, it is just terrible.

3. Craving brownies. Good thing a friend is bringing them tonight to our weekly Wii party! Must not eat sugar all day to prepare.

4. My filing piles are overwhelming. Need to make time to deal with those next week. Excited about springing forward this weekend. It will mean less sleep, but we are headed to spring! What a great thing! I'm a poet, and I know it!

5. Memoir fallout continues with this internal memo at the New York Times:

Times Memo: No More Single-Source Profiles
NYT standards editor Craig Whitney sent new guidelines to the newspaper's staff by e-mail to prevent another Seltzeresque embarrassment:

"Single-source profiles of people who are not already well known quantities are traps we have fallen into twice in the past year or two, and that's too often. Until publishers start fact-checking their own nonfiction books, and that'll be the day, we should remember that profiles of unknown authors should always include reporting from other sources -- not just surrogates of the profilee like agents, publishers, lawyers, etc. -- to verify the most important facts. But even when there's no book involved, the same rule applies. If we can't find ways to check key facts, names, graduation claims, etc., we should hold the story until we can verify them, and if we can't, we should be suspicious. Live and learn...."

Currently listening to: Gone (Sun)
Currently reading: Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This

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