Monday, August 06, 2007

Cancel Texas

Yep, we are not moving to Texas. I'm so relieved you cannot even begin to know. I'm bummed for hubby, but so so so so so happy that I don't have to move there. No offense to Texans, but I just don't like your state. Been there, visited, and that's enough for me. I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, where it's green and rainy, and the ocean is just over there and yes we get slugs and lots of weeds, but this is home. (I know many Texans can't stand the PNW; so we're even now.)

Now we have no idea where we may have to move. But the relief is palpable even now as I think about it and I am happy to go to Portland or Colorado or somewhere farther north in Washington. No worries now.

Buh-bye, Texas. Hasta la vista, Dallas.

Had a great weekend away. I turned another year older while sitting on the beach soaking up the rays. Wonderful! I also ate too much incredible food and laughed and talked and laughed some more. My baby niece is so adorable and she likes to laugh too. So we got along splendidly.

In freelance news: Writing like a fiend. Studying fiction craft and writing short stories constantly in between reading Chekhov's short story collection (it is the abridged volume, yes). Also have a stack of movies to watch in order to "novelize" scenes: a great craft builder. Getting ready to dive into Steven Pressfield's novels on Greece and Rome (have them on hold at the library). Have a few job offers to respond to and a lot of style guide work for my job, plus copyediting work headed to me this week as well. Lots to do and ready to go!

Still learning about resistance and how to say "no" when under too much pressure. This is vital to learn. If you haven't read Steven Pressfield's War of Art, please get it and read it. An amazing (very short) read full of incredible truth.

Onward forward.

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