Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday Fiver.

1. Yes, I read HP7. Took me less than 7 hours on Saturday and it was good. Very good. No more info in case readers have not finished (like my hubby and friend, J).

2. We started packing and cleaning in preparation to sell. Heard from our realtor on Saturday and all that matters now is Todd's interviews. Send him good vibes, please.

3. Still raining up here. Makes it easier to weed, but harder to clean pine needles from our back yard. This will be fun.

4. Two articles are done and going in today. 2000-word section of WIP has been posted to crit group (finally, I am so slow doing this; forgive me crit group friends)

5. Packing up my office first; something slightly freeing about making my focus solely fiction for the next 15 months. I will sell a novel in 2008 with my writing goal buddy, Jen. We will! She's way ahead of me though, so I am striving to catch up!

My entire family is now home safe from Afghanistan and Iraq and no one else will be going over. You have no idea the relief it is to post this. Prayers for those who are still serving. We love and miss you.

Onward, forward.

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