Monday, March 10, 2008

Time Change Is A Positive

The UK doesn't move forward for three weeks, so all the meetings are actually at the same time. And boy, was I glad this morning to "sleep in" until 7:55! I will be acclimatized by the time my team moves forward in three weeks. So this works great!

Lots going on this week. The first meeting for our fiction group meets this week and I'm donating the first 20 pages of my YA novel draft for critique. I'm so anxious to get feedback on my book that I'm going to throw it out there.

More on the false memoirs from the Times.

His quote resonated with me:

We all like a good story. The cruelty of the fraudulent ones is that they will inevitably make us distrustful of the true ones — a result unbearable to think about when the Holocaust itself is increasingly dismissed by deniers as just another "amazing story."

Finally finished with about three hours of conference calls this morning. Off to lunch!

Currently reading: Whipple, Squeeze This!
Currently listening to: Nothing (ah bliss!)

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