Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Fiver

1. Allison, over at her blog points out today that she is more productive and creative after kids than before. Cool confession, yes?

2. I am irritated at the sloppiness of countless authors this week. The little nitpicky details that I have chased endlessly this week have worn me out. Ready for weekend!

3. Anyone read the soppy, bitter Atlantic Monthly article that was named an essay but did not qualify as an essay because the author did not prove her two points? I skimmed it, but got irritated because, I'm sorry, but there is something worse than not being married by (for the author, 40; for me, 30) and that's getting married to the wrong guy or settling and just marrying because you feel the pressure.

I am living proof. I had a series of guys to choose from that were all wrong for me BEFORE I met my current hubby. I think back to how quickly things would have gone sour with any of those previous three.

And this clarity even after being happily married for four years. We both have faults and irritate each other, but he's the best thing in my life. I say it all the time. Marriage is not easier than singleness, and it's not harder, it's complicated in good and bad ways. You don't need that One Perfect Person when the furnace goes out or the house is a mess and you're having company; you need someone you can once again choose to love and who chooses to love you, even at your worst and grossest moments. I have more to say, but I will stop.

4. Watching HBO's Band of Brothers and in awe of the story. Wow.

5. Writing up a storm and having a ball. The sun has been out all week long, which makes it easier in February. I am so ready for March, I wore spring clothes out to lunch yesterday (and froze my toes).

Happy Friday!

Currently reading: Mothers Who Think (
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Thursday.

This week has been the week of finishing up projects. It's a great feeling after several months of hard work and seems to fit the weather (late morning sunshine burning off early morning fog).

I love it.

My brother is off to Israel today. He's so excited, but also sad at leaving his girlfriend behind. He'll be visiting Jordan to see the ruins at Petra as well. I would LOVE to see Petra. At least he gets to. Shalom, N! Have a great time.

Today is essay work. I feel so calm as I approach essays after the lessons from Andrea. I hope to rework the original essay I began two weeks ago and get it to her tomorrow. Then I want to start others and just really create a fun process for my essays. They are the best vehicle for my thoughts right now.

Currently reading: Right to Write (Julia Cameron)
Currently listening to: The Vogues

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Voted

Washington held a non-binding primary yesterday, which in essence means voter turnout was just okay. Our precinct was pretty slow when we checked in to vote at about 2:30.

The percentage of write-ins for this election has really gone wild. We both giggled to each other as we voted because a friend begged us to write his name in. No, not Sock. And our friend wasn't serious, but the list of choices was really dismal. No one is left in the race!

Yesterday was a zoo, and today I so have to focus. So this will be quick.

My essay instructor impressed on me again today how important is it tell the truth. To peel back layers. Most essays published just dip a toe into our emotions, but it's the ones that really reveal that get torn out of magazines and passed along to neighbors.

Something worth thinking about.

I've got a new fiction critique group starting up (mostly Seattle writers) in a few weeks. I'm excited to expand my scheduled writing time and to get feedback. It is tough to carve out three hours each day to write. I'm failing miserably this week.

With that, off I go!

Currently reading: Right to Write (Julia Cameron)
Currently listening to: Darlene Zschech

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And Then It Was Tuesday

Wah. Weekend's over. So hard to come back to reality. Nothing like a two-hour phone meeting with my London colleagues outlining 2008 to get me back.

I may not survive until December, I fear. We've got some serious work to do and I'm smack in the middle of it (and partially responsible).

But the weekend was lovely. A fine Friday (late) night gabbing with old and new friends, a Saturday with hubby running errands and learning new skills (I got crossbow skillz) and then a bowling tournament until the wee hours of the morning Sunday with friends.

On Sunday a small group of us went to Snowqualmie to play in the snow because the sun was warm and the snow was crunchy. The sign said no sledding so we boogie boarded instead. Luckily we had yesterday to recoup.

This is the weekend of a Pacific Northwest native. Drool on, my midwest friends.

I just can't believe my snowpants still fit.

So last week was a week of rejection for this writer. I scratch my head, whine a bit, and then get back up to start again. No feedback yet on the novel, but the essay stuff is enough to weigh me down. My teacher, however, is da bomb. Seriously, if you can EVER get a class with Andrea King Collier, do it. No hesitation whatsoever.

After digging a hole so deep for years about essays, the lighbulb has appeared over my head (see it?) and I actually GET it. I now have to write it, but I'm just pleased as punch at the getting it part, I may just sit on that for a while.

In reality, I must get writing.

Today holds a stack of retro reviews for work (fun, fun) a quick finish up of a proof batch, and then the writing commences.

I actually feel great. The weekend sunshine did amazing things for my brain, spirit, and outlook. I love sun! And I'm off.

Currently reading: Mothers Who Think essay book (Camille Peri and Kate Moses)
Currently listening to: Sing Alleluia (Jennifer Knapp)