Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nanowrimo Home Stretch

Wrote another 6,000 words Monday and am now past 58,000 words. I only have 12,000 words left in this draft (I can go over if I want) because of the length constraints of this genre.

However, Stephen King is famous for his second draft rule of thumb: second draft = first draft - 10%. Thus, going over won't be the end of the world.

So we'll see.

Feeling good. Got a brainstorm yesterday for another YA title or two, so working with that. I have two very good fiction editors to interview for an editorial consultation in December/January. I'm preparing for a first quarter submission to my new very targeted agent list. And then hopefully after a few more revisions (or not), my new future agent will get my YA out on submission.

At least that's the plan, but best laid plans of mice and men . . .

Have a great day!

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