Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Fiver

1. Made it through this week, monograph-heavy as it was. The next ten working days look to be even more intense right up until the day I get on a plane to head over to London (vacation, not work-related). I'm so excited though. It's a dream come true and there will be so much to see. I cannot wait.

2. Headed to see the niece tomorrow. Hope the weather's nice. I feel very here, there, and everywhere with work and the upcoming trip. It is hard to go on vacation, yes? So many loose ends just as you prepare to go. And I'm such a homebody anyway.

3. Writing has slacked off. I am frustrated because the topsy-turvyness has affected the one thing it should NOT be messing with.

4. Finishing up everything freelance-related in good time. Preparing to load up again, this time with writing projects. Very excited about the opportunities coming my way.

5. It is officially fall to me. Cold mornings, staying darker longer. The afternoon sun burning off the cloud cover. It's bliss. My favorite time of year. I love it.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Playing on the iPod: Put Your Records On (Corinne Bailey Rae)


Anonymous said...

Have you been to London before? It's a wonderful city -- you'll have a great vacation.

Trish said...

Hi, Devon! Nope, this is my first trip of many over to London. I'm a bit stressed about the weak dollar, but I'll make sure to enjoy myself just the same.